October 6, 2017

Empire Alchemy Wax Review!

Hello again!

I'm backatcha with yet another wax vendor review! I've been really loving finding newer wax companies within the community (as I'm new-ish myself) to try out! Today, I'm reviewing Empire Alchemy Wax! Empire Alchemy is based in Southern California and offers a wide variety of wax scents, shapes, and clamshells.

What initially drew me to her site (aside from their branding and the look of their beautiful wax) was the scent called "Living Dead Girl" offered in a clam shell. I was(am) a huge White/Rob Zombie in high-school and after so, I had to pick this up! And because I can't just order ONE thing from a wax vendor, I also purchased a chunk bag of "Clever Minx". I would have ordered a bit more, but I was late to the restock. I received two samples in my order and everything was so nicely packaged! Anna, one of the owners is such a sweetheart too. She makes being apart of their FB community fun. She's also very active and inclusive on Instagram!

(Be sure to click images for maximum awesome!)

Let's check it out further!

September 28, 2017

The Gypsy Monroe Wax Co.

Hello again!

When I started on this "wax melting" journey, I had no idea what a vast and interesting community of vendors there are out there! Anyone who really knows me, knows I love glitter and sparkles, and so when I stumbled upon The Gypsy Monroe Wax Co., I was immediately drawn not only to the aesthetic of the Etsy store front and products (because sparkles!), but to the scents they offer right off the bat. I placed two (three?) orders in the span of 2 weeks, and wanted to show off what this amazing company has to offer all at once! April, the owner is adorable and sweet and I feel like this company is truly a hidden gem among wax vendors. The wax is a para-soy blend and everything is super affordable. Not to mention that the scent selections are SO good and unique!

Let's take a look.  (Be sure to click images for maximum awesome!)

Here are my two combined orders, which I will break down for you! (I tore open my packages so quickly that I forgot to take pictures of how amazing the products came wrapped. Next time!) April takes extreme pride in the presentation of her orders which is so apparent in the quality of her packaging and extra little notes and samples.

September 25, 2017

Luna Wax Review!

*blows into mic* Is this thing on? *tap tap*

I've been gone for some time, I realize that. And in this time, I decided to reinvent myself and my blog. This little slice of the internet that was once my makeup haven will now hold wax, nail polish, AND makeup reviews. I've recently become obsessed with indie and small business scented wax and wanted to share my love with the rest of you. I have a new (2nd) Instagram account @melt_all_the_things which is where I dedicate time to my new found love of wax. There is quite the community for it as well. Who knew?

Speaking of Instagram, Amy from a brand new company called Luna Wax, reached out to me and ask me if I'd review her wax. It made perfect sense because she was new to being a wax vendor and I'm new to reviewing wax. win/win

Let me introduce you to Luna Wax! Luna Wax is an Etsy store based out of Washington. Luna Wax launched on Sept. 22nd and has an small but mighty offering of parasoy wax. I'm excited to see what Amy comes up with over time! Keep your eyes peeled for a coupon code at the end of this post!

April 10, 2017

Carpe Noctem Minerals!

Good evening zombies!

I'm coming at you tonight with a new indie makeup company new on the scene called Carpe Noctem Minerals which can be found on Etsy. Carpe Noctem is run by Veronica who use to own a popular indie brand a few years back. She's returned with a new company and a new vibe.

Carpe Noctem means "Seize the Night" and this is the new mission statement for Carpe Noctem:

"We specialize in the glamorous and the daring! Our products are specifically designed with the nightlife in mind!! Here you will find versatile, bold color and sparkle galore! We have what you need for your inner diva to shine bright like a diamond and slay, slay, slayyy!!

We are currently adding inventory, so keep checking back! Our stock includes many Limited Edition items that will never be seen again, so if you find something you like, jump on it!! Because once it's gone, it could be gone forever.

But never fear... We also have many core items and shades that will be available at all times! :)

Feel free to message us with any questions!

We love and appreciate all of our customers so much! We hope you all continue to slay the day and SEIZE THE NIGHT!!!"

Veronica was sweet enough to reach out to me and ask if I'd try out her new products. She sent me 3 full sized eyeshadow (10 gram sifter jars with 1.5 tsp of product) and a "GLITZ", which is CNM's name for cosmetic grade glitter (15 gram shaker jar). (That's a TON of glitter!)

(Click images for maximum AWESOME!)